Astaxanthin: The Powerful Antioxidant for Optimal Health
Astaxanthin is a potent antioxidant 6,000 times stronger than vitamin C, offering numerous health benefits for a healthy heart, skin, eyes,...
Nutritional Epi-genetics and Lunasin
Lunasin was the first dietary compound with an identified epigeneticmechanism of action.
Colvita: Lyophilization vs Hydrolysis
In its natural state, collagen is a water-insoluble macrostructure. Collagen is normally obtained in two ways: Lyophilization or Hydrolysis.
Colvita: Information and Data of this Collagen supplement
Collagen loss affects the bones, joints and also the skin. Collagen supplements like Colvita help improve these problems.
Pair Your Collagen With These Nutrients For An Extra Boost
Adding collagen alone to your routine can boost your health in a number of ways, but it turns out it can...
Benefits of collagen for children
The benefits of collagen for children cover many different areas, but today we will focus on five of them: bone health...
How Collagen Helps Relieve Some Of The Symptoms Of Menopause.
How Collagen Helps Relieve Some Of The Symptoms Of Menopause.
Lunacol | Lunasina Supplements
Lunasin is the first epigenetic food described, affecting human epigenes.