DetoCol: Xyilitol + Vit C, D, K + Colágeno | 90 Caps
DetoCol | Apoyando una dieta depurativa y anti-parasitaria - 90 Caps
DetoCol | Apoyando una dieta depurativa y anti-parasitaria - 90 Caps

DetoCol | Accompagner une alimentation dépurative et antiparasitaire

3 reviews
Vendu dans le heures
  • NATURAL PARASITE CLEANSE: DetoCol is a dietary supplement that provides natural support for cleansing the body of parasites and preventing parasitic infections. It is a non-invasive and non-suppressive solution, making it a comfortable and safe choice for at-home use.
  • GENTLE CLEANSE: Unlike harsh cleansing, anti-fungal, and deworming programs, DetoCol offers a slow and gentle cleanse over the course of a month without the need for fasting, forced bowel movements, or lifestyle changes. Experience the benefits of a parasite-free body without the burden.
  • IMMEDIATE BENEFITS: Cleansing the body of unwanted organisms can lead to immediate and undeniable benefits. DetoCol supports the removal of parasites, fungi, yeasts, bacteria, and their toxic metabolic products, promoting better metabolic processes and cell nutrition, which ultimately supports overall health.
  • PREVENTIVE HEALTHCARE: Preventive healthcare of the 21st century prioritizes the importance of cleansing the body of unwanted guests. DetoCol is a natural and safe way to support this effort, helping you stay healthy and free from parasitic infections.
  • SENSITIVE SOLUTION: DetoCol is a sensitive solution that can be used by anyone looking for a gentle, non-invasive way to cleanse their body of parasites. If you experience any allergy to its ingredients or bowel movements lasting more than two days, simply discontinue use, but experience a comfortable cleanse when using as directed.
Fabricant: Colway
Type de produit: Suppléments
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Format: Soft gel capsules
Content: 90 capsules

Expédition rapide et économique

Nous expédions vers la péninsule, les îles Baléares et les îles Canaries. Également au Mexique, en Argentine et en Colombie.

Retours simples

10 les clients regardent ce produit

Detocol aide à l'alimentation purificatrice des parasites (Demodex folliculorum, Demodex brevis, Trichuris Trichiura - ou trichocéphale - ou Trematoda), champignons et bactéries à la maison.

Il ne s'agit pas d'un médicament antiparasitaire, mais d'un complément alimentaire non invasif et non répulsif, s'il est pris selon les recommandations il ne provoquera aucune sensation ou inconfort au niveau de l'estomac.

La fonction de DetoCol est d'aider à nettoyer lentement le corps pendant un mois sans avoir besoin de jeûne, de défécation forcée et de tout changement de mode de vie.

Il est dédié aux personnes qui souhaitent nettoyer leur corps à la maison et d'une manière si simple pour elles.

La prévention santé au 21e siècle consacre déjà beaucoup d'attention au nettoyage de l'organisme des hôtes indésirables, des organismes qui nous parasitent et, dans le meilleur des cas, interrompent nos problèmes métaboliques et privent nos cellules des nutriments dont elles ont besoin : protéines, glucides , microéléments et vitamines. Cependant, au pire, ils nous rendent gravement malades !

Lire plus

Cápsula de la mañana:

  • Aceite de cisto: 150 mg

Midday capsule:

  • Extract of the bark of the tree shape: 150 mg
  • Dandelion extract: 100 mg
  • Long turmeric extract: 75 mg, including curcumin: 30 mg
  • Wormwood mugwort extract: 15 mg

Capsule of the night:

  • Extract of tricolor viola: 150 mg
  • Licorice root extract: 100 mg, including glycerinic acid: 10mg
  • Peppermint extract: 50 mg
  • Garlic extract 50 mg, including allicin: 1 mg
  • PREVENT PARASITISAL INFECTIONS: It is recommended to regularly take DetoCol every two months for people who have been infected with parasites such as Demodex folliculorum, Demodex brevis, Trichuris trichiura and trematode to prevent future infections.
  • POWERFUL PROPHYLACTIC: DetoCol is a powerful prophylactic that helps prevent a wide range of parasitic infections, including those caused by follicular mites, small mites, whipworm and trematode, ensuring that you stay healthy and protected.
  • EFFECTIVE SUPPLEMENTATION: DetoCol is an effective supplement that helps maintain your body's natural defenses against parasitic infections, ensuring that you are always at your best and are able to combat possible threats to your health.
  • SAFE AND EASY TO USE: DetoCol is a safe and easy-to-use supplement that can be incorporated into your regular routine without problems or side effects, making it an ideal choice for anyone looking to stay healthy and protected against parasitic infections.
  • OPTIMAL USE: To maximize the benefits of DetoCol, it is recommended to take the entire package and then take a break of at least a month before starting the next batch of supplementation, ensuring that your body has the time it needs to fully absorb and use the nutrients.


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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Lo recomiendo

He estado usando DetoCol durante un mes, y puedo sentir la diferencia que ha hecho en mi salud general. Este suplemento natural es una gran opción para cualquiera que busque una forma suave de limpiar su cuerpo de parásitos, hongos y bacterias. Fue fácil de incorporar a mi rutina diaria, y no experimenté ningún efecto secundario negativo. Recomiendo encarecidamente darle una oportunidad a DetoCol para cualquier persona interesada en la atención médica preventiva.

Me alegro de haberlo comprado

Era un poco escéptico sobre probar DetoCol, ¡pero me alegro mucho de haberlo hecho! Este suplemento natural no es invasivo ni supresor, por lo que es la opción perfecta para cualquier persona que quiera limpiar su cuerpo sin someterse a un tedioso programa de desparasitación. Fue fácil de usar y no experimenté ninguna molestia ni efectos secundarios negativos. Recomiendo probar DetoCol a cualquier persona interesada en mejorar su salud en general.

¡Me impresiona DetoCol!

¡Me impresiona DetoCol! Este suplemento natural me ayudó a limpiar mi cuerpo de parásitos sin ninguna molestia ni efectos secundarios negativos. Aprecié no tener que cambiar mi estilo de vida o ir rápido para usarlo. Fue fácil de usar, y después de un mes, sentí los beneficios de estar libre de parásitos. Muy recomendable para aquellos que buscan una solución suave y efectiva.

DetoCol | Accompagner une alimentation dépurative et antiparasitaire

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