Test ADN Starter tellmeGen | (Orígenes + Rasgos + Wellness) | Lo que tu ADN dice sobre ti
Test ADN Starter tellmeGen | (Orígenes + Rasgos + Wellness) | Lo que tu ADN dice sobre ti
Test ADN Starter tellmeGen | (Orígenes + Rasgos + Wellness) | Lo que tu ADN dice sobre ti
Test ADN Starter tellmeGen | (Orígenes + Rasgos + Wellness) | Lo que tu ADN dice sobre ti
Test ADN Starter tellmeGen | (Orígenes + Rasgos + Wellness) | Lo que tu ADN dice sobre ti

كاتب اختبار الحمض النووي tellmeGen | (الأصول + السمات + العافية) | ماذا يقول حمضك النووي عنك

2 reviews
تباع في ساعات
  • 4 DNA TESTS IN 1: tellmeGen Home DNA Test tells you about your ancestry, well-being and traits. Your results will be ready in 4-6 weeks.
  • PRESS AND TRAITS DNA TEST: Discover your ancestors and origins and find relatives and genetic relatives. Learn more than 150 pieces of information related to characteristics and well-being.
  • 200+ UPDATED LIFETIME REPORTS: The tellmeGen DNA test analysis is regularly updated free of charge. Also, you can ask any questions you may have to our doctors and genetics experts.
  • PERSONALIZED GENETIC REPORTS: Knowing your genetic information is very helpful. With your DNA test kit you can adapt your lifestyle, diet or fitness habits and improve your well-being.
  • PRIVATE AND PROTECTED: tellmeGen's personal genetic test is supported by official organizations. Guaranteed reliability with cryptographic data. Find out what your DNA could say about you with just a saliva sample and from home.
الصانع: Tellmegen
التوفر: متاح
سعر عادي
Dhs. 579.00
سعر عادي
سعر البيع
Dhs. 579.00
أسرع ، هناك 10 سجل
اسأل خبير

عرض تقديمي

Dimensions: 20 x 12 x 4 cm; 100 grams
Country of origin: Spain

شحن سريع واقتصادي

نحن نشحن إلى شبه الجزيرة وجزر البليار وجزر الكناري والدولية

عوائد بسيطة

10 يشاهد العملاء هذا المنتج
  • أخبرني بداية هو اختبار الحمض النووي الذي يخبرك عن دور علم الوراثة الخاص بك في أكثر من 90 سمة من سمات رفاهيتك.
  • سوف تتعلم عن أصول أسلافك ، ومن أين أتى أسلافك ومسار سلالتك الأم لعشرات الآلاف من السنين.
  • يتم تحديث اختبار TellmeGen DNA بشكل منتظم مجانًا. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، يمكنك طرح أسئلتك على خبرائنا في علم الوراثة.
  • معرفة معلوماتك الجينية مفيدة وقيمة للغاية. باستخدام هذه المعلومات ، يمكنك تعديل عادات نمط حياتك لتحسين صحتك.
  • TellmeGen مدعوم من قبل المنظمات الرسمية. اكتشف ما يقوله حمضك النووي عنك من خلال عينة من اللعاب فقط ومن المنزل.
اقرأ أكثر
  1. Ask for your genetic test by clicking on 'buy now' Once you click on the 'BUY NOW' button you will access a simple form where we will ask you for the data we need to send the kit to your home, office or any other place you indicate, in the fastest and easiest way possible.
  2. When you receive the kit, register it online. Once you receive your kit, the first thing you should do (even before depositing the saliva sample) is to create an account by clicking on 'CREATE ACCOUNT' and complete the form to register your kit along with your personal data. To register* the kit you will need to enter the registration code that you will find on the tube. * Samples received without being registered will not be analyzed.
  3. Deposit your saliva sample With your registered kit, it's time to collect the saliva sample. It is very important to complete this step correctly. To do this, deposit your saliva in the tube until the saliva (not the bubbles) exceeds the filling mark (or number 2), and remember not to smoke, drink or chew gum during the 30 minutes prior to depositing the sample. As incredible as it may seem, such a small sample contains all your genetic information!
  4. Children's DNA kit from tellmeGen This special kit for babies from 0 to 3 years old comes with special mouth swabs to collect your baby's saliva easily. Once you have registered your kit and deposited your saliva, it's time to return the kit with the sample inside. Insert the tube with the saliva sample into the plastic blister, and place it in the box, and contact
  5. Receive the results and find out what your DNA says about you. From the moment you request your kit, the average delivery time of the results is 4 to 6 weeks (depending on factors such as the time it takes to send us the sample). Once we have your results, we will contact you so that you can access them with your user account in the customer area of the website. Your report is also available in '.pdf' format so you can download it, print it or take it with you on a USB stick. Remember that before opening it you will have the opportunity to decide if there is any information that you prefer not to see reflected in it.

Personal traits

If there is one thing that can be said for certain, it is that each person is unique. With the tellmeGen DNA test you will be able to discover many personal genetic traits that differentiate you from the rest. On top of that, you'll discover many traits you wouldn't have imagined genetics could be responsible for, such as nicotine dependency, logical ability, or sleep duration.


More and more information about health and well-being related to genetics is becoming known. Knowing your genetic baggage thanks to the tellmeGen DNA test, you will be able to adapt your lifestyle and diet based on your macronutrient metabolism, your body's ability to synthesize vitamins, your muscle regeneration capacity after exercise, etc.


In recent years, thanks to our ability to look inside our genetic material, we have been able to discover that the origin of the modern human being can be found on the African continent, 200,000 years ago, to unravel the traces of the fabulous journey that our species undertook. of Africa that led us to populate all the continents and, finally, to reconstruct more recent demographic facts, which extend to the present day.


With our DNA test you will have access to one of the most personal information that exists: the origin of your genes.

Where you come from?

Who were your ancestors?

Are you who you think you are?

Thanks to genetic engineering we include the ancestry service in our DNA test.

We will solve all your doubts about your ancestors by connecting your genetic information to different ethnic groups.

You will love our ancestry report!


Find out if you are a carrier of certain hereditary conditions such as:

Cystic fibrosis




+75 hereditary disorders analyzed in our report.



Find out how your DNA influences your intelligence, sensitivity to pain and longevity, among others, in our characteristics report.


Find out how your DNA is related to your response to diet, muscle endurance or response to exercise, for example. Are you genetically predisposed to cravings for coffee?

Sample Report Features

Tellmegen ADN Test
Tellmegen DNA Test

آراء العملاء

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews

This test is easy to set up. You scan the code, create an account, send the sample and receive the updates. A prepaid shipping label is already attached to the package to ship it. Super simple instructions. I am satisfied with the process so far.

rosary beads

The process of giving the sample to TellmeGen was quite simple and the results seem accurate as far as the elements I know. The ancestry seems 100% correct, and most of the things that I can compare with the appearances and visual manifestations seem true, and the questionable ones are unknown to me. But overall I find it pretty reliable. Interpreted results are easy to view online and print.
Their customer service seems very good as they respond quickly and attend to my needs. The results took three weeks and I wish that time could be shortened, but the wait was worth it.

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