رش مع الفضة النانو - تأثير مطهر ومضاد للبكتيرياالمورد: Colway
- ANTISEPTIC EFFECT: The elixir eliminates inflammations and infections of the skin. By inhibiting its development in the embryonic phase. The elixir fights: bacteria, fungi and viruses, and to a lesser extent molds and protozoa. Speeding up healing.
- NANO COLLOIDAL SILVER: Known since the Middle Ages for its strong bactericidal properties. Nanosilver compounds kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi, so they are used to prevent the development of skin infections.
- سعر عادي
- Dhs. 182.00
- سعر عادي
- سعر البيع
- Dhs. 182.00
- سعر الوحدة
- بواسطة
باقة -6583059218535
بارا الوحشي
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