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How to Treat Sensitive and Atopic Skin: Tips and Products

Como Tratar Pieles Sensibles y Atópicas: Consejos y Productos

Sensitive and atopic skin requires special care due to its reactive nature and prone to irritation and allergies. In this article, we are going to share some tips and products that will help you take proper care of your skin and alleviate any discomfort you may be feeling.

What are sensitive and atopic skin?

Sensitive skins are those that overreact to external stimuli such as sun, cold, wind, chemicals and other irritants. The skin may become red, itchy, burn, or scaly in response to these conditions.

On the other hand, atopic skin is a type of sensitive skin that suffers from eczema. This condition manifests itself in the form of red, scaly, and itchy rashes on the skin, especially on the elbow, knee, neck, and facial areas.

Tips for treating sensitive and atopic skin

  1. Identify the triggers: If you have sensitive or atopic skin, it is important that you identify the factors that can worsen your condition. It could be food, cleaning products, makeup, weather, or anything else. Once you know what triggers your symptoms, try to avoid it.

  2. Use gentle products: To care for your sensitive or atopic skin, opt for gentle, fragrance-free personal care products. Look for products that contain natural ingredients like aloe vera, chamomile, calendula, or honey.

  3. Moisturize your skin: Sensitive and atopic skin needs additional hydration to stay healthy and avoid dryness and irritation. Use a moisturizer suitable for your skin type and apply it gently after a bath or shower.

  4. Protect your skin from the sun: The sun can worsen the symptoms of sensitive and atopic skin. Use sunscreen with a high protection factor and avoid exposing yourself to the sun during peak hours.

  5. Keep your skin clean: Wash your skin gently with a mild cleanser and avoid scrubbing too hard. It's also important not to take hot baths, as this can dry out your skin and make your symptoms worse.

Products recommended for sensitive and atopic skin

  1. Repair balm for sensitive skin: This type of product helps to repair and soothe sensitive and atopic skin. It contains ingredients like shea butter, coconut oil, and olive oil that nourish the skin and reduce inflammation.
  2. Fragrance-Free Moisturizer: A gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer is essential for anyone with sensitive or atopic skin. Look for products that contain natural ingredients and avoid products with artificial fragrances.
  3. Sweet Almond Oil: Sweet almond oil is a natural product that deeply hydrates the skin and reduces inflammation and redness. Apply a few drops to your skin after a bath or shower for best results.
  4. Aloe Vera Gel: Aloe vera gel is known for its healing and soothing properties. It is ideal for calming irritated skin and reducing inflammation. Apply it to your skin when you feel that it is irritated or itchy.
  5. Mild shampoo and conditioner: If you have sensitive or atopic skin, it is important that you also take care of your scalp. Use a mild, fragrance-free shampoo and conditioner to avoid irritation.


    Caring for sensitive and atopic skin can be challenging, but with the right products and advice, you can keep your skin healthy and irritation-free. Identify the triggers of your symptoms, use soft and natural products, moisturize your skin and protect it from the sun. Also, don't forget to keep your skin clean and take care of your scalp as well. Your skin will thank you!

    Frequent questions

    1. What is atopic skin? Atopic skin is a type of sensitive skin that suffers from eczema. This condition manifests itself in the form of red, scaly and itchy rashes on the skin.

    2. What products can I use to treat sensitive and atopic skin? You can use gentle, natural products like fragrance-free moisturizers, sweet almond oil, aloe vera gel, and mild shampoo and conditioner.

    3. How can I identify the triggers for my sensitive or atopic skin symptoms? You can keep a symptom diary and note any factors that may be related to the onset of your symptoms. You can also talk to a dermatologist to help you identify triggers.

    4. Should I avoid the sun if I have sensitive or atopic skin? It is important to protect your skin from the sun if you have sensitive or atopic skin. Use sunscreen with a high protection factor and avoid exposing yourself to the sun during peak hours.

    5. Can I use makeup if I have sensitive or atopic skin? Yes, you can use makeup if you have sensitive or atopic skin, but it is important that you choose gentle, fragrance-free products. Look for products that are suitable for your skin type and avoid products with irritating ingredients.


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