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Elimination and Prevention of Dark Circles: Complete Guide and Professional Treatments

Eliminación y Prevención de Ojeras: Guía Completa y Tratamientos Profesionales

Dark circles, those blue, black or brown bands under the eyes, are more of a cosmetic problem than a health one. Although they do not affect our physical health, they can have a significant impact on our self-image.

What are dark circles?

Dark circles are part of the "normal" appearance of the face. However, its formation is still not very clear, since much more research has been done on treatment than on prevention.

Types of dark circles

There are several types of dark circles, each with its own characteristics and causes.

constitutional dark circles

These dark circles are dark brown or black and are due to the accumulation of melanin pigment in the area.

Post-inflammatory dark circles

These dark circles are not continuous bands but go "by zones" both below the eye and above the upper eyelid. There may also be an area of eczema.

vascular dark circles

These dark circles are due to the fact that the delicate skin shows through the blood vessels of the dermis.

shadow effect

This type of squint is due to the anatomy of the adipose tissue and tear duct, which make “shadows” in the squint area.

combined dark circles

Some people may have more than one type of dark circles. For example, there are people with excess pigment in the area who also suffer from atopic dermatitis, a condition that favors the appearance of itching and eczema with post-inflammatory damage.

Prevention of dark circles

Although each dark circle is different and it is difficult to avoid them completely, there are some measures that can help prevent their appearance.

Don't rub your eyes

Rubbing the eyes can break blood vessels and pool blood in the area, as well as worsen injuriesof the skin.

Sleep well

Fatigue is related to the appearance of pigment under the eyes.

avoid salt

Salt retains fluid throughout the body, including the "bags" under the eyes. These bags cause shadows that worsen the appearance of dark circles by increasing the "shadow effect".

Avoid sun exposure

Exposure to UV rays stimulates the synthesis of melanin, worsening the appearance of constitutional dark circles.

Reaffirm the area

Many dark circles are worsened by lax skin that generates a shadow, giving an appearance of more intense color.

Keep the area hydrated

Dryness in the periocular area favors dark circles to be more noticeable.

When to talk to the doctor

In some cases dark circles may be indicating a health problem and require the intervention of a doctor.


Blue circles under the eyes that are accompanied by other symptoms of anemia may improve by treating the anemia.

drug reaction

Some medications can increase the appearance of dark circles. If the situation is annoying, talk to the doctor to discuss a possible change in medication.

thyroid problems

Thyroid problems cause "bags" under the eyes, which can accentuate shadows and give a feeling of dark circles.

professional treatments

If dark circles really bother you, they are difficult to put on makeup and they do not go away after reviewing your lifestyle, your health and your beauty routine, talk to your dermatologist.

Hyaluronic injections

This treatment can help you diminish the appearance of your dark circles.

strong depigmenting agents

These treatments can help reduce the pigmentation of dark circles.

fat transplants

This treatment can change the shape of the bags and reduce the appearance of dark circles.


Dark circles are a common problem that can affect our self-image. Although they are not a health problem, they can be an indicator of other health problems. It's important to talk to a doctor if you have concerns about your dark circles.

Frequent questions

  1. What are dark circles? Dark circles are blue, black or brown bands that appear under the eyes. They are more of a cosmetic problem than a health one, but they can affect our self-image.

  2. What types of dark circles exist? There are several types of dark circles, each with its own characteristics and causes. Some of these types include constitutional, post-inflammatory, vascular, shadow, and combination dark circles.

  3. How can I prevent dark circles? Although each dark circle is different and it is difficult to avoid them completely, there are some measures that can help prevent their appearance. These include not rubbing your eyes, sleeping well, avoiding salt, avoiding sun exposure, firming the area, and keeping the area hydrated.

  4. When should I talk to a doctor about my dark circles? In some cases dark circles may be indicating a health problem and require the intervention of a doctor. If the dark circles appeared after starting to take a medication, or if you have never had them and they have appeared in a short space of time, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

  • What professional treatments exist for dark circles? If dark circles really bother you, they are difficult to put on makeup and they do not go away after reviewing your lifestyle, your health and your beauty routine, talk to your dermatologist. There are professional treatments that can help you reduce the appearance of your dark circles. Among them we find hyaluronic injections, strong depigmentation agents, fat transplants.

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